Our Colleagues from Baranovichi State University Trained in MGGEU

The colleagues of the Baranovichi State University Elena Anatolievna Kleshchyova, Head of the Department of Pedagogics, Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor, and Marina Leonidovna Krivut, methodologist of the Sector of Scientific and Methodical Resources of Inclusive Education, trained on the basis of Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics. The aim of the training was to study the experience on organization and preparation of academic staff on the subject “Psychological and pedagogical problems of professional training of students in the system of inclusive education”. The Belarus colleagues learnt about the methods and educational technologies in the sphere of preparation of academic staff and attended lectures and seminars. They got acquainted with the scientific, educational and methodical works published in MGGEU. Our colleagues also took part in the round table devoted to the development and implementation of the joint Belarusian-Russian educational projects.